The Specialization in High Performance Computing and GRID Technology is a structured course.
The subjects in the curriculum are given by expert professors in the field and have a previous assessment and approval from the HCD based on the content analysis and the professor in charge. The subjects have been considered to provide credits for the Doctorate in Computer Sciences of this School.
The course includes 8 compulsory theoretical and practical subjects and an Integrative Final Work. The courses can be divided in modules by topic.
Extra activities such as elective subjects, works, tutorials, seminars, etc. can be added to the subjects in order to fulfill the students’ training and information.
2 years
Fundamentals of Parallel Processing
Dr. Marcelo Naiouf (UNLP), Dra. Marcela Printista (UNSL)
Clusters. Clusters Programming
Dr. Fernando G. Tinetti (UNLP), Mg Javier Echaiz (UNS), Mg. Leandro Bertogna (UNCOMA)
High performance computing architectures
Dr. Ramón Doallo (U La Coruña), Dr. Francisco Tirado (U Complutense Madrid).
Monitoring and Optimization of Performance in High Performance Computing Systems
Dr. Tomás Margalef (U Autónoma de Barcelona – UAB), Dr. Emilio Luque (UAB), Dra. Anna Morajko (UAB )
It is required to pass subjects 1, 2 and 3.
Fault Tolerance in High Performance Computing Systems
Dr. Emilio Luque (UAB), Dra. Dolores Rexachs (UAB)
It is required to pass subjects 1, 2 and 3.
Shared Memory Systems Programming Workshop
Dr. Juan Touriño (U La Coruña), Dra. María J. Martín (U La Coruña)
It is required to pass subjects 1, 2 and 3.
GRID Architectures. System Software and Applications
Ing. Armando De Giusti (UNLP), Dr. Juan Carlos Fabero (U. Complutense de ), Dr. Eduardo Cesar (UAB)
It is required to pass subjects 1, 2 and 3.
Resource Management in High Performance Computing Systems
Dr. Emilio Luque (UAB), Dr. Remo Suppi (UAB), Dr. Leandro Bertogna (UNCOMA-INTEL)
It is required to pass subjects 1, 2 and 3.
It should be individual, show the student’s overall learning in the Specialty and clearly state the bibliographical research task carried out and the resulting creative contributions to the chosen topic.
APPENDIX V: Layout for Final Work Proposals and APPENDIX IV: Final Work Layout