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Dra. Cecilia Verónica Sanz

Course Academic Committee:

Eng. Armando De Giusti (UNLP, Argentina)
Dr. Sandra Baldassarri (Universidad de Zaragoza-Spain)
Dr. María Malbrán (UNLP, Argentina)
Dr. Cristina Manresa (University of Balearic Islands, Spain)
Dr. Miguel Almirón (Université Gustave Eiffel, France)


The general aim of the course is to offer updated knowledge related to the methodologies, technologies and tools in the field of Computer Sciences and which are significant within the educative framework in order to assist and enrich the education process. At the same time, the idea is to connect the student to the main lines of research in the areas of Computer Technology and Education. We want to train graduates with R&D skills, who can complete the Doctorate in Computer Sciences, following the topics of the Master’s Degree.
According to the modality proposed, to reach that goal we lay emphasis on research, literature review, online activities (queries, forums, self-assessments), guided practices, analysis and critical thinking as regards the topics included.
It is mainly oriented to graduates from all the disciplines interested in teaching using digital technologies.
The subjects of this course deal with all these topics, taking into account that the graduate student should participate in R&D projects related to research, development and the application of computer technologies in education so these activities and the final works of the subjects are designed to accomplish this goal.
The design of the course is interdisciplinary for both teaching staff and students, which adds the academic goal of integrating different skills coming from several disciplines such as Computer Sciences, Education, Communication, Cognitive Psychology, among others.

The course of studies confers the Master’s Degree in Application of Computer Technology in Education

The Master’s Degree in Application of Computer Technology in Education, online/remote learning, has a provisional official recognition by CONEAU (Session Number 543/2)