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Lic. Javier Díaz

Comité Académico de la carrera:

Dr. Patricia Bazán (UNLP-Argentina)
Dr. Liane Tarouco (UFRGS-Brazil)
Eng. Luis Marrone (UNLP-Argentina)
Dr. Alexandre Santos (U.Minho- Portugal)
Dr. Ralf Steinmetz (UTD-Germany)

  • Create highly trained human resources in Data and Voice Communication Technologies with knowledge of design, implementation, diagnosis and maintenance of distributed data networks and services requiring transfer and exchange mechanisms among agents.
  • Link students to new offers and standards of data networks, taking into account aspects of their architecture, deployment and impact in different working environments using several applications and functional requirements according to the technological and regulatory possibilities in our country and around the world.
  • Teach the methodology of a scientific-technical research.
  • Create and keep research, development and technological transfer activities in the Data Networks area.
  • Help to improve the use of communication networks offering training in design and operation of networks and fighting the magic formulae of equipment suppliers, and to adapt technologies according to the real needs, the current possibilities and the potential needs.

The Master´s Degree in Data Networks is certified and categorized “C” by CONEAU (Resolution Number 218/21) and National Accreditation from the MECyT -Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology- (Resolution Number 73/15).