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Dr. Alejandra Garrido

Course Academic Committee:

Dr. Federico Balaguer (UNLP – Argentina)
Dr. Alejandra Cechich (UNCOMA – Argentina)
Dr. Silvia Gordillo (UNLP – Argentina)
Dr. Luis Olsina (UNLPam-Argentina)
Dr. Daniel Riesco (UNSL-Argentina)
Dr. Gustavo Rossi (UNLP – Argentina)


The Master’s Degree in Software Engineering has two convergent directions: on the one hand, it aims at creating high level human resources for research in software engineering related topics; on the other hand, and as a result of these research activities, it aims at creating human resources with high professional training and the ability to contribute to a transformation in the computer sciences and software industries in the market.


The Master´s Degree in Software Engineering is certified and categorized “A” by CONEAU (Resolution Number 28/21), and National Accreditation from the MECyT -Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology- (Resolution Number 569/15.)