A. Doctoral subjects

Postgraduate Subjects which are considered valid for the Doctorate in Computer Sciences by the HCD of the School of Computer Sciences. These courses are organized by academic year and they are not necessarily repeated every year.

B. Subjects included in the Master´s Degrees in Computer Sciences

These courses can be chosen by the students of the Doctorate. They admit a maximum of 6 credits per course. The School’s Postgraduate Department will set out the administrative conditions to take the course which will also apply for the students of the Master’s Degree. Generally, they repeat annually.
For those students who have completed the Master’s Degrees in this University, the Honorable Academic Council of the School of Computer Sciences has approved the recognition of up to 20 credits for those students who enroll in the Doctorate in Computer Sciences and request them.

C. Optional Courses of the Computer Sciences Degree

These courses can be taken by those students of the Doctorate provided they have not taken them during the degree course of studies. They admit a maximum of 3 credits per course. These are free courses which require the Doctorate student to be accepted in the subject by the Professor. Generally, they repeat annually.

D. Postgraduate Courses addressed to Professionals

Doctorate students will be able to ask for accreditation after attending these courses. Besides these courses, students may suggest (with the Director’s support) any valid Postgraduate subject in National Universities. Specifically, Doctorate courses of Universities from the Network of National Universities with Computer Sciences Courses will be considered valid. (RedUNCI). For each particular Doctorate, the credits assigned will depend on the connection between the courses and the Thesis Plan.